Sunday, September 20, 2009

Welcome back!

With summer officially winding down and the days getting shorter again, it is that time for me to really refresh my blog and online presence. It has been a long summer, between getting my wisdom teeth out, the many happenings in DC, and two very quick vacations to Orlando, FL and Seattle, WA (within a week of each other). After the break, I knew I needed to crack the whip, and here is my contribution to the public relations community about thoughts on our industry.

For those of you who don't know me, welcome to the blog! I’m a Midwesterner, practically born and raised near a wheat field, turned Southerner who is now transitioning to life on the East Coast. In the midst of learning public transportation and how to live in the “big city,” I am also a public relations professional trying to figure it all out. I love what I'm learning along the way.

This blog probably needs a few disclaimers. First, I cannot pretend that I know absolutely every facet of public relations. This is a space for me to process the changes in the industry and receive feedback from those who understand better than I do. I will be wrong at times, correct at other times, and completely baffled most of the time. I do want to encourage a conversation among public relations professionals so that we can all inspire each other to think outside the box. That said; do not take any of my opinions as the ultimate truth of public relations. Pretty please, let me keep my ego in check ☺

Second, I’m in the process of transitioning most of my material to this blog as a staging area for the bigger project: online portfolio renovation. Please keep checking back over the next several months to see progress, and forgive me that the old blog is no longer functioning (I only brought the most recent entries to this section ). Trust me, I will keep you in the loop. That is what the hundreds of social media channels are good for. If you would like some more great reads, you can check out my more personal blog: Also, check out my Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Flickr sites!

Last, but certainly not least, please comment! I firmly believe that public relations is all about encouraging conversation, engaging audiences, and forging connections among new people. I could spout out all of the jargon I learned in graduate school for building “two-way asymmetrical relationships” and “mutually beneficial partnerships,” but I feel that the best way to simply “foster goodwill among clients” is to chat about everything that is happening in our world.

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